My Crystal Castles machine !

Well, Here's Pics of my 2nd machine. Please wait for all the pictures to download, it may take a few min on slower connections.

When I got this machine , I spent hours working on it. I have rebuilt the Trackball, replaced 4 lights (Marquee, Coin slots and under the trackball), and spent most of the time cleaning the control panel (it had years of grime on it).  I also had to rebuild the Marquee light (thanks Erik for the tips). The side art is good but, needs work (if not replacing), the Marquee is ripped in the top a little and the control panel has rips in it too. Over all good to very good shape, with work, for a game that is almost 20 years old.

If anyone is going to repo the Marquee, or Control panel, Drop me an e-mail.


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